Springdale Elementary School

1127 Hope Street

Front of Springdale School, with paw print and school name in blue on cream roof

Springdale classroom with overhead projector in background; floor tiles in foreground show with some discoloration

Springdale Elementary School
Energy Efficiency and Flooring

Springdale Elementary School was first constructed in 1854 with numerous renovations and additions. This school is 88,000 square feet on a site of 2.77 acres. Springdale's mission is to prepare each child for the future in our diverse and challenging world. Students are encouraged to think critically, communicate effectively, and develop the skills needed to become independent and inquisitive lifelong learners. Springdale implements a variety of experiences to reach out to its school community. Some of the more noteworthy events include the Literacy Volunteers Program, Family Dinners, Family Fun and Learning Nights, Springdale Neighborhood Clean-Up, and the Spring Community Art Show, which showcases the artwork of students, parents, staff and community volunteers.

Stamford Public Schools and the City of Stamford have been awarded two State of Connecticut grants for windows and flooring projects. These projects were awarded with 60% State Grant Reimbursement. The window replacement is expected to significantly improve the energy efficiency of the building's mechanical systems by providing improved insulation. The improved exterior envelope and well-worn flooring replacement will create an improved climate for the students' learning environments.